A Concord Carpenter: Best Practice For Controlling Remodeling Dust Feb 2017
“Learning how to control remodeling dust and keeping out of the non-remodeled portion of your clients home is often more important than the quality of your work,” says the experienced remodeler. His tips to remodelers are to clearly communicate their dust control plan to the customer and to isolate the work area using ZipWall.
“Close doors and seal the ones you’re not using with blue tape. I use the Zipwall Barrier System and poly plastic sheeting to create temporary wall and cordon off areas. Watch a video on the ZipWall dual seal barrier system. The ZipWall system has spring loaded, expanding poles that allow you install the plastic sheeting tight to the floor and the ceiling. Coupled with special foam rails you can crate a fairly tight dust barrier, corridor or room as needed.”
He likes the ZipWall ZipDoor® kit, “The beauty of the ZipDoor kit is it takes me only a few minutes to install and is ideal for jobs where I need to create a dust barrier and sealed access doorway. One person can install it in under a minute and subsequently reduces labor cost and if you use care when removing it, you can use it again.”
Read the full article at aconcordcarpenter.com and be sure to watch the videos.