Professional Remodeler Top 100 Products for 2020 Features ZipWall at #8! Aug 2020
Products from 1Shot, Benjamin Moore, DAP, Dunn-Edwards, Emtek, Sherwin-Williams, Wooster, and ZipWall top the list of the ProRemodeler Top 100 Products for 2020 in Tools and Equipment.
With ZipWall’s new Dust Barrier PassThrough, there’s no need to tear a dust barrier or use any kind of tape when putting a duct hose through it. The PassThrough, a plastic hoop that clamps over a section of barrier, attaches to the poles that hold up ZipWall’s Dust Barrier so the poles are carrying the weight of the hose, and can accommodate up to a 12-inch hose. And once the job is complete, the barrier isn’t left with an unsealable hole — with the nylon sleeve, the barrier can be completely sealed.
Read about all Top 100 Products on proremodeler.com.