Tools of the Trade Magazine: The Perfect Solution for Work in Finished Homes or in Active Commercial Settings Nov 2017
“ZipWall is a dust barrier and containment system made specifically for construction sites. It’s the perfect solution for work in finished homes or in active commercial settings. As a remodeling contractor and custom home builder, we have been using ZipWall barrier systems for about 15 years. Prior to that, we taped plastic up. We like ZipWall because it’s much faster to install, more secure, and less invasive (there’s no tape sticking to finished surfaces), and it is reusable.
The system consists of extendable aluminum poles that support standard plastic sheeting. On top of the poles is a spring-loaded head with a two-piece pad that locks the plastic in place. You simply sandwich the top edge of your plastic between the two-piece pad and raise the poles up until they contact the ceiling with the spring-loaded head. You can create one wall or an entire enclosure (a self-contained room-within-a-room). If you need to have access through the plastic barrier, you can cut a slit in the plastic and attach ZipWall’s self-adhesive zipper. The zippers are designed to be used two at a time – so you can create a door virtually any width you choose. With this zipper system, dust stays contained while you’re working, and you can open a door in the plastic, allowing you to move in and out of the space as you need to.”
Read this excellent article by Robert Courtney on jlconline.com. It is full of great hands-on how-to’s – how to install a ZipWall barrier, how to create entries, and how to install the ZipWall Magnetic Door, and more.